Dr. Colleen M. Shea, DMD

Dr. Colleen M. Shea, DMD

Dr. Colleen Shea is a dentist who is Board Certified in the specialty of Periodontics, the field of dentistry that treats the gingiva (gums) and bone that support the teeth. Dr. Shea believes that every patient should be educated in what is happening around their teeth and gums. She understands that an educated patient will make the best choices for his or her own dental needs. That is why Dr. Shea will take the time to explain what is happening in your mouth and what you can do to improve things, both at home and through treatment in the dental office.

Dr. Shea’s warm and caring nature will set you at ease as you move forward with the best possible treatment for you. Dr. Shea specializes in all aspects of periodontal treatment, including scaling and root planing, gingival grafts, periodontal surgery, and dental implants.

Dr. Shea received her DMD at Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 1997 and continued her post-doctoral training at Harvard, receiving a Certificate in Periodontics and a Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSc) in Oral Biology in 2001. During her post-doctoral studies, Dr. Shea was honored to receive the prestigious Dentist Scientist Award from the National Institutes of Health and conducted research on bone metabolism at Boston’s Children’s Hospital and Boston University School of Medicine’s Department of Orthopaedics.
Dr. Shea is a member of the American Academy of Periodontology, the American Dental Association, the Massachusetts Dental Society, and the Massachusetts Periodontal Society.

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